March 2021

NZGE is New Zealands national across flock and breed evaluation to identify the best rams for economic traits. The NZGE analysis includes all SIL performance-recording flocks, but flocks also have to satisfy specific criteria for NZGE Leader List reporting purposes. These include having good genetic connections with other flocks. Rams from other flocks are listed if they have been used in connected flocks with sufficient progeny evaluated.

NZGE evaluations are made possible by genetic links between breeds: generated by breeders and the B+LNZ Genetics Central Progeny Test.

The following files can be downloaded as SIL formatted reports (pdf) or as comma delimited text files (csv) by clicking on the links below.

NZGE Sire Leader Lists

Formatted Reports Text files Index
pdf csv New Zealand Terminal Worth
(Survival, Growth, Meat)
pdf csv New Zealand Maternal Worth
(Reproduction, Survival, Growth, Adult Size, Wool)
pdf csv Maternal Worth + Meat Yield
(Reproduction, Survival, Growth, Adult Size, Wool, Meat Yield)
pdf csv Maternal Worth + WormFEC
(Reproduction, Survival, Growth, Adult Size, Wool, WormFEC)
pdf csv Maternal Worth + Facial Eczema
(Reproduction, Survival, Growth, Adult Size, Wool, Facial Eczema)
pdf csv New Zealand Maternal Worth + Dag Score 
(Reproduction, Survival, Growth, Adult Size, Dag Score)


NZGE Sire Trait Leader Lists


Formatted reports Text files Goal Trait
pdf csv Reproduction
pdf csv Survival Dual Purpose
pdf csv Survival Terminal
pdf csv Growth Dual Purpose
pdf csv Growth Terminal
pdf csv Adult Size
pdf csv Meat Dual Purpose
pdf csv Meat Terminal
pdf csv Wool
pdf csv WormFEC
pdf csv Facial Eczema
pdf csv Dag Score
pdf csv Body Condition Score


NZGE Analysis Information

Participants and flock connectedness table 
*** This table lists flock type e.g. DP or TS ***

Percentile bands table
*** From June 2019, Young Ram Percentile Band Tables have changed from 2017 born to 2018 born ***

National Genetic Trends (DP)

National Genetic Trends (TS)

National Genetic Trends (Health)

NZGE Connectedness Graphs

Adult Size
Facial Eczema
Dag Score
Body Condition Score


Can't find a Sire Leader List for the combination of traits you want?

Go back to the Tools home page and use the RamFinder tool to select the traits and indexes you want to rate animals for.